Last week a five-year-old little boy lost his battle with cancer. His mom and I were sorority sisters, though she was older and I did not know her well.
Sunday afternoon my own little one was napping and the Irishman took our three-year-old mermaid to the pool. I had the house to myself and I checked Facebook before taking a nap. Several of my friends had "liked" a video made to honor the little boy who died. I had tears streaming down my face as I watched it.
One of the other interns at the school I did my student teaching at lost a daughter to cancer a few years ago. It is heartbreaking. I cannot even imagine the pain.
I looked at the photos of first steps, Halloweens, Christmases, and memories that will be cherished forever. I thought of my own two little ones and thought of how lost I would be without them.
Some friends of mine are collecting money to help this family. They are trying to respect the privacy of the family, but I number of us have contributed. I am going to donate all money made in my TpT store between now and Thursday to this cause.
Be sure to hug your loved ones extra tight tonight. Life is precious!
Thank you for letting us be able to help. Thoughts and prayers to the moms who have lost children to cancer.