I added my back to school "Who Am I?" activity. I always do this on the first day of school and post on my bulletin board until after open house. The parents come and try to find their darling. I usually do an owl "Whoooo am I?" theme, but this year I was all about polka dots. I ended up with "Can you spot me?" I was happy with how it came out.
Yesterday was a hurricane day and it lived up to expectations. It just brushed the coast so we didn't get any damage other than some beach erosion. It was a rough day to be stuck inside with two kiddos that woke up WAY too early though!
Thankfully today is a beautiful day! The sun is shining, the weather is cool(er), and the cranky children I put in bed last night woke up early but refreshed! We've already made banana bread and are making plans for the day.
On my list of things to do today is a trip to the post office to mail some Halloween Cards I ordered with a Shutterfly coupon code a couple of weeks ago. I decided to create a little note card for my daughter to write on in each of the cards and the result is this Pumpkin Notes Freebie.