Friday, March 29, 2013

Five for Friday: The Hospital Bedside Edition

What a week!



The Good:
I’m on spring break so there isn’t much school related here. The week started great. My dad was in town and we went to the beach, spent time at my grandparents house, and took my daughter to see Disney Princesses on Ice.


The Bad:

Soon after posting this picture


on Facebook, we were at the pediatrician with my son. He had a high fever, but it was just a virus. Yesterday we went back to the doctor and were told that he was showing some signs of walking pneumonia. We were worried about his breathing last night and made an appointment with the doctor first thing this morning.


The doctor sent us to the ER and they have admitted him with pneumonia. He is already looking better than before, but his stats still are not great. I spent last night hoping to avoid the hospital and now I am hoping we are home before Easter.

The little one was just given oxygen and is finally sleeping despite the iv, tubes, and wires. The Irishman brought my laptop and some PJs for me earlier this evening. He is at home with our daughter. We just said good night via Facetime, but I don’t think anyone is happy with the situation.
This is NOT how I wanted to spend my spring break!


The Sale:

I’d planned on holding a sale in my store but hadn’t gotten around to entering it yet. I tried to enter the Spring Cleaning Linky, but it has closed. So, I’ll announce it here.


There are a lot of sales going on this weekend, but at least my title is unique! 


The “Who me?”

I got a blog related e-mail this week that included my name on a list with some of my favorite bloggers. It made my day! I’m not there yet, but to have my name on the same short list made my day!


The Giveaway

My 100 Follower Giveaway ends Sunday! If you haven’t entered yet, you can click on the picture below to find the link.



Happy Easter!


  1. It is crazy how little ones can get sick so fast!!! Hopefully you'll be home by Easter!

    Literacy Without Worksheets

  2. Hey Jenny,
    So sorry about your little guy! I hope your spring break gets better and your little one is out soon!

  3. Jenny
    I am so sorry about your little boy. I hope your weekend goes much smoother and you get to relax and enjoy the rest of your break. Glad I just found your blog. Can't wait to read up on some older posts.

  4. Oh I'm so sorry your little man is sick. Hope he gets to feeling better soon and everyone can celebrate Easter together.

    Mrs. Thigpen's Kindergarten

  5. Another blogger just posted that her little boy has pneumonia. What a small world...I hope your sweet baby feels better soon!!

    Mrs. Christy’s Leaping Loopers

  6. Jenny,
    I'm sooooo incredibly sorry your baby is in the hospital. I know the feeling...been there, done that. I do hope you're both home in time for Easter. The beach looks fabulous! We spent last summer in Navarre Beach (lovely). Mel from Graphics from the Pond is having a Weekend Sale Linky if you want to join:) I missed out on the Spring Cleaning Linky too:((


  7. Poor baby!! I hate seeing kids sick! Give him lots of cuddles! The Spring Linky is open. Not sure why it was closed earlier! Come by and link up! Try to have a good weekend! :-)
    Beach Sand and Lesson Plans

  8. Awwww-- poor little guy!! Glad to hear he's beginning to feel better! Hope he's back to his sweet little self soon!

    Primary Inspired

  9. Your poor little man; and you must be so tired and anxious, with a little one in hospital and the family all split up. Am sending you lots of positive vibes from the land Down Under and am now off to buy a few things from your shop to help with those hospital bills. Hang in there!

  10. Awww, it's so hard when they are sick!!!Last year my middle son (3) had walking pneumonia and my youngest (1) had RSV. I took them to the doctor knowing they weren't feeling well but having no idea how sick they were. We had to sit there and give breathing treatments and it totally freaked me out! I worried and worried over the next week that they were going to get sicker! I'm sorry and I hope he feels better very soon!! It's so hard!! We'll be praying for you guys!!!

    Collaboration Cuties

  11. Jenny,
    So sorry your little cutie is in the hospital. If it makes you feel better, my daughter (at about the same age as your son) spent a few days for pneumonia in the hospital and is doing great now. It's so hard being a mom just want to take their pain away from them because they just don't understand. I'll be praying for you and your family. Keep us updated!

    Stephanie Ann
    Sparkling in Third Grade

  12. Sorry to hear about your son. I had pnuemonia when I was 4, and waking up in the middle of the night sick is one of my earliest memories. Sending him well wishes! Hope he gets well soon.

    Caffeine and Lesson Plans
