Sunday, September 22, 2013

International Dot Day 2013

This post is about a week past due. Last weekend was my birthday. This weekend was just family time. It’s all good!

While my room is in the process of being transformed to the STEAM Lab, it is the old art room. About half of the kids call me the art teacher. I was discouraged by the number of students who declared to me (the ‘art teacher’) that they can not draw. There were kindergarteners who refused to try to draw because they are not good at it.

I consider myself to be more creative than artistic. I have always worked to integrate the arts into my teaching. Teaching an actual art lesson is a little outside of my comfort zone, but I’m working on it.

I decided to start with The Dot because of the message behind the story. We started with individual dot galleries (see here for more about that) made up of four to six little frames.

For our International Dot Day display, each student made one additional frame. With just over 400 students, it took me about two hours to hang these all in the hall.


I sorted the dots by grade level. I’m loving The Happy Caterpillar paper set by My Clip Art Store. (Not MY clip art store by the way – that is the name of the store!)







The teachers and staff got into the fun as well. I gave all interested adults a full sheet of paper from the teacher’s guide.


Next year I should be able to add a digital component to the day. I’m still waiting for the computers and SMART board to arrive, but they should be set up in the next couple of weeks. By next year’s International Dot Day, we should be in business! There are lots of possibilities with Skype and such. I can’t wait!

1 comment:

  1. This turned out AMAZING! All of your hard work planning this and hanging them up definitely paid off. I'd love to just hang out in your hallway and check out all the work. Awesome display!
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'
