Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Multiplication Array Chart

I have more things I *should* be doing than I care to admit. I taped a lesson as part of a case study last week and tomorrow I have to watch it with a coach. I created a Nearpod presentation for the lesson and took a bit of a risk. My students’ behavior left a bit to be desired. I am not looking forward to watching the video tomorrow.

I also need to write sub plans and figure out what to wear on camera.

Oh, well!

We are in the midst of our multiplication study now.  I saw this idea on Pinterest and knew I had to try it. I have the best parent volunteers ever, so I recruited help to tape together the squares of construction paper.


I wanted to color code the boxes for demonstration purposes. To fill it in I gave each student flashcards and centimeter grid paper.


The students drew the array that matched the the card and then came over to show me where on the chart it belongs.


The completed chart is posted in the hallway for all to see. I’ve heard more than one 4th/5th grade student comment about our arrays. Mostly things like, “Why didn’t WE do that last year?” and “Oh! I remember arrays!” 

I’ll take that as a good sign!


  1. I HATE watching AND listening to myself after being videoed....blah!

    Isn't Pinterest the best??? Where would we be without it and blogs???!!!??? =)

    I love your cute beach design. I am happy to be your blogs newest follower. I would love for you to hop over and visit me when you get the chance. =)

    Heather's Heart

  2. Wow! Love your Chart! Glad you were able to get that idea from my blog and find it on Pinterest!
